Concert Review: L.A.B - Auckland - 22nd January 2022

Presented By Loop Media & Spark


Review By: Daryl Habraken (Aka The Mole)

Artist: L.A.B, (Supported by; Sir Dave Dobbyn, Ladi6, The Black Seeds, Katchafire, JessB, RIIKI)

Venue/City: Outer Fields, Western Springs, Auckland, NZL

Date of Event: Saturday 22nnd January 2022 Saturday 22nnd January 2022

The Mole headed down to Western Springs in Auckland to check out L.A.B live in concert.

It was a hot January afternoon in Auckland’s Western Springs (Outerfields)

With thousands of mellowed out reggae, dub, and Yacht rock fans out in force, braving the sun and dust to absorb some of New Zealand’s finest new and used talent.

 With Omicron literally moments away, this was probably going to be the last opportunity many of us had to get some live music in before the end of summer. What better way than to take in one of New Zealand’s premier bands L.A.B.


The support bands were an eclectic mix of past and present greats including ladi6, Katchafire, JessB, RIIKI, The Black Seeds and the immortal Dave Dobbyn. Something for everyone!

 The event itself, while not a sell-out, was still heaving. Punters from all walks of life were in attendance, shades of South Auckland, licks of the Waitakere ‘s, the North Shore ‘s most entitled, and Remuera’s most devoted were all in force in a diverse Symphony of the Auckland suburban culture.

 I was impressed by how well the event was organised, the queues while present were not ridiculous. The lavatory lines were almost nowhere to be seen and there were enough food trucks and vendors to make sure all those with the most ravenous of munchies didn’t go without.

 The main event did not disappoint L.A.B really let their presence known with a fantastic visual experience as well as the audio mastery we have come to expect. It’s easy to see how these chaps have risen to the top of the live music scene here in New Zealand and abroad.


If there was to be one final musical hurrah before it’s all stripped away for a few more weeks, it could’ve been a lot worse than to have been at Western Springs on 22 January 2022.


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