Amanda Palmer

By Eve Cheesmur

Artist:  Amanda Palmer

Date / Venue:  Friday September 6th, Kings Arms Tavern, Auckland

Perhaps the flowers in her hair were fake, but there was nothing fake about watching the 8 foot bride perform live on Friday night - there was real sweat and a real atmosphere.

Amanda Palmer in the city of sails was a spectacular performance (performance being the operative word). Rarely are you entertained to this level at a live gig. The connection Amanda continues to provide for her unflappable fans is what gets the punters coming back, time and time again.

The atmosphere was a frivolous one, perhaps it was the chilled out venue of the Kings Arms, but I was expecting something far more political or perhaps provocative. There was none of that though....Amanda andGrand Theft Orchestra were tight lipped and tightly knitted into a seamless show.

It was a ride of a night. With songs like 'Want It Back' you could feel the weight of regret fill the Kings Arms, even the guys playing pinball out the back stopped what they were doing and gave a minute or 4 to the band.

After feeling mildly melancholic from listening to 'The Bed Song', I was literally lifted from my station in a sea of mosh, throwing myself of the crowd with unashamed freedom. Beer went everywhere, I lost a set of keys from my bag, but damnit, it was fun.

All in all, Amanda Fucking Palmer just point blank rules. She is there to entertain her fans and she exuded an air of confidence that resided across the crowd.

I left the Kings Arms covered in beer, sweating and not knowing how I was going to get into my house.....but I was beaming with a smile.


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