Interview Megan Moss Interview Megan Moss

Mt Eden

By Jake Ebdale

Mt Eden have dropped the ‘dubstep' from their name. That much I know. Whilst this fad-stamp restricted the true depth of the dynamic duo, formed by Jesse Cooper and Harley Rayner in the mid 2000s, it also garnered them a wave of fervent success - dub step was the shit to many. 

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Interview Megan Moss Interview Megan Moss

Interview: Shapeshifter

By Jake Ebdale

As I talk to Shapeshifter co-founder, keyboard and sax player Devin Abrams over the phone, he excuses himself for a minute. A painter knocks on his door with a new type of paint. He then pops back on the phone, apologises, and we start a very casual interview, covering new album Delta, Rhythm and Vines, and the connection between band and crowd.

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Interview Megan Moss Interview Megan Moss

City And Colour

By Christina Croucher

I spoke to Dallas Green, the artist we now know as City And Colour before his trip to NZ in December. The down to earth artist is at the end of his tour around the US and looking forward to his trip down to the Southern Hemisphere.

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