Franz Ferdinand - Right Thoughts, Right Words, Right Action

By Jake Ebdale

Released August 23rd, 2013 - UMusic

Franz Ferdinand emerged at an exciting yet unfortunate time for real bands. British magazines drafted out garage punkers like cattle to the slaughter in an early millennial guitar draught. It worked for a while, and then the second albums were made for millions in good will money. Some worked (White Stripes, Strokes), some didn't (ahem...Jet), and then the boys from Glasgow sat somewhere in the middle. Post hype and years later, they remain a big draw card. According to Joe Blogs, they canned it as soon as the Scissor Sisters took your mama out all night.

Well, forget all that hyperbole rubbish. Kapranos and co. have always been a fun and disgustingly talented outfit, deserving of their headlining status. That riff was more than enough. This album solidifies that they've still got what they never lost, though it won't win them any new fans.

Single ‘Right Thoughts' is proof that rock does weird and wonderful things to pop. It sounds like David Byrneseducing Debbie Harry: sleezy and awesome. ‘Evil Eye' is absolutely ridiculous, though these middle aged men pull it off well. Sample lyric "What's the colour of the next car? Yeah, Red! Ya bastard!" It's Glaswegian poetry. ‘Stand On The Horizon' is a pretty highlight and premium material for the greatest hits track list.

Franz have included filler in every album too, this one no different. ‘Treason Animals' and ‘The Universe Expanded' sound bored. It's a shame that Right Thoughts starts off so strongly but blows out in the middle, the weakest Franz have ever sounded.

Still, a guitar is a guitar, and compared to what I just saw on the MTV VMAs, the title of this album sounds like Miley Cyrus' Alcoholics Anonymous plan. I could have it so much better with this, thanks.

3.5 / 5


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