
By Keith Wright

Artist:  Aerosmith

Date / Venue:  Wednesday April 24th, Forsyth Barr Stadium, Dunedin

We left Auckland as soon as we could and got stuck into a few coldies at Christchurch Airport, headed for the gig of the century and certainly the concert I had dreamed about since a child. As an avid musician,Aerosmith has been a long standing favourite and influencer of much of my musical life and this was my moment to see my idols!! We got to our spots well in time to see Wolfmother who in my opinion were a tad lack lustre compared with the last time I had seen them, the favourite songs however were gold and they were still a 7 out of 10 as a warm up for the main act.

Aerosmith launched into a set opening with the classic ‘Love In An Elevator' and then one after another charged through hit after hit, 'Sweet Emotion', 'Last Child', 'Walk This Way', 'Janie's Got A Gun', 'Jaded', you just have to think how they choose these among the plethora of other amazing songs they have under their belt.

Steven Tyler was awesome, trendy, sexy and just amazing as he hit every high note with seemingly ease of control and poise and wooed the crowd with his loveable way and simply made everyone feels like they were the only special people on the planet. Joe Perry, just as awesome with his casual saunter and nimble fingers held the crowds gaze like a conductor of fine arts he knows nothing but style that man and certainly didn't disappoint. The rest of the band, Brad, Joey and Tom were just as sensational as they held together the engine which was firing on all cylinders like a demon looking for ears to tease and souls to blow. Man what a blast we had, gorgeous women, casual crowds and an enjoyable waft of herbal glee from those who had snuck in mind enhancement tools which others in the Herald article found offensive!

The crowds were really well behaved and no one was creating trouble that I could see and the Dunedinlocals were simply awesome, friendly and very hospitable. The stadium was clean, huge and flipping awesome as a venue, and there was loads of room to move about and scream ones lungs out. As aging rockers go these guys never showed it nor missed a beat, they simply were the band I have always known and loved to death, in every aspect of the words. Joe Perry a top the grand piano while Steven Tyler jammed out the notes to 'Dream' on and then nailed the high screams too. I still get goose bumps thinking of the night and it has left an amazing memory etched into my brain. Black Sabbath was wicked but this was so much more in my eyes; although comparing the two might be sacrosanct we're talking about a difference of sod all to be completely fair. Aerosmith just kept going and going and left everyone in a buzz and singing the songs well after the lights came on and the crowds headed home.

If you missed it folks, you certainly did miss something amazing (and that's yet another song they sing!). I can't rightly express in a short blurb how this concert was as it blew my mind completely. Let's hope they come again and certainly if Air NZ and the Stadium locked heads together then more people would travel to Dunedin if you sorted reasonable rates and direct flights. Dunedin is the new capital of wicked concerts. Well done Dunedin, well done Aerosmith and thank you for burning an incredible memory into my brain. Still stoked and still singing...


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