New Music Review: Black Veil Brides - Wretched And Divine

By Clare McCabe

Released January 8th, 2013 - Universal

The latest album from these glam-metal/hard-rock Americans does not disappoint. Hailed as a Rock-opera concept album (a la Green Day's American Idiot), it has also been turned into a full-length film by the band called Legion of the Black, based on the story line of the album - a must-see I am sure.

There are hints of Dragonforce in the guitar solos from Jake and Jinxx, more than a touch of Avenged Sevenfold in Andy's vocals and even a glimpse of their Metallica influence in there. Oh and the makeup and costumes - pure Motley Crue circa 1985. Not many songs standout (as with most concept albums, they all feed off one another) - but my favorite is 'In The End' which is also the first single.

The band are currently touring UK headlining the Kerrang Tour. Interesting fact #1 - they toured in 2011 with Murderdolls - now that would have been a tour worth catching.  Interesting fact #2 - the song 'In The End' was featured as one of the theme songs for WWE's Hell in a Cell.

You can now consider me a fan of BVB (as the fangirls call them). I totally recommend this latest album - take a listen (turn it up loud), you will not be disappointed. Oh and check out the video - always a pleasure to watch these guys - hope they add NZ to their latest tour. Good stuff.

4 / 5


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