
By Christina Croucher

Artist:  Flume

Date / Venue:  Tuesday October 8th, Logan Campbell Centre, Auckland

Last night at the Logan Campbell Centre the Australian producer we know as Flume got cheered onto the stage through a haze of bright lights. Flume and his humble set up used barely a tenth of the stage but what came from them was enough to fill the world biggest stadiums. The venue was packed with movers and music lovers and I'm sure everyone would have been more than satisfied with what Flume had to offer in his 90 minute set.

The soft spoken Aussie let the music speak for itself; he served the audience a high voltage dose of incredibly mixed beats. We were aurally and physically gripped for the full 90min set. Flume took us on a diverse ride through dreamy ambient tracks (Ezra, What You Need) along to the spacey techno tracks (Space Cadet) then breaking us down to the bass ridden hip hop influenced (On Top and he mixed up Notorious Bigs - Juicy.) Flume chops it up with different tempos, genres, vocalists, effects, samples, and clever sound layering and fast changes between songs all while keeping an amazing flow. The set was constant and captivating filled with hypnotic intros and dramatic drops.

Insane and Holdin On were some of the crowd favourites but the show was more of a constant high. Flume also used his body language to draw the crowd in and it's easy to see that the energy he creates is far beyond measurable. To top it off there was great lighting display including his signature Prism of Light and there was rhythm synced visual art on the screen behind him with moving images of space and shapes and singers.

Flume finished with the crowd pleasing Paper Thin then went on to play a generous encore leaving us on a high note. Flume is a young man of talent, raw energy, passion and an edge of authenticity that makes him a stand out above other music mixers. It was certainly a not to miss event.


David Dallas


Anna Coddington