Free Auckland Museum exhibition Volume receives international and local awards and nears 200,000 visits

Free Auckland Museum exhibition Volume receives international and local awards and nears 200,000 visits

Auckland Museum’s free Volume: Making Music in Aotearoa exhibition has been named an Exhibition Media Award winner for its innovative blend of culture and technology at the international 2017 GLAMi Awards, part of the Museums and the Web Conference in Cleveland, Ohio.

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Volume: Making Music In Aotearoa - A landmark homegrown exhibition coming soon

Volume: Making Music In Aotearoa - A landmark homegrown exhibition coming soon

By Wal Reid

Last night’s fickle Auckland weather wasn’t enough to deter Auckland Museum’s announcement of  Volume: Making Music in Aotearoa, a large contingent of Kiwi musicians and industry insiders including multiple Grammy winner Lorde, Dave Dobbyn & Suzanne Lynch from popular 60s duo The Chicks.

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