Auckland Museum to present music events & programmes over school holidays

Auckland Museum presents an exciting programme of music events for the school holidays in celebration of Volume!

Auckland Museum presents two exciting programmes to keep the kids entertained for the April school holidays from Tuesday 18 April through to Sunday 30 April.

The Kiwi Kids Music Festival showcases the best home-grown music for kids and families from Aotearoa, New Zealand during the weekends of the holidays, 22-23 & 29-30 April. Hosted by the much loved entertainer, Suzy Cato, the Festival includes a special performance by best-selling artist Anika Moa and family favourites Captain Festus McBoyle, Levity Beet, Kath Bee, Mr Roberelli, Chanelle and Anna Van Riel.

The Rising Stars of Tāmaki Makaurau is a series of weekday performances beginning Tuesday 18 to Friday 28 April from budding bands and young solo artists from schools across Auckland. These performers have been working with NZ Music Commission’s mentors in their schools to fulfil their potential in song-writing and performance. Catch them every week day in the holidays at 11am and 1pm (excluding Anzac Day).

Kiwi Kids Music Festival

SAT 22 & SUN 23 APR, & SAT 29 APR, 11AM AND 1PM

SUN 30 APR, 10:30AM AND 2:30PM


For the full schedule of the Festival click HERE

The Rising Stars of Tāmaki Makaurau



Kiwi Kids Music Festival Programme Schedule in full:

Saturday 22 April, 11am and 1pm

Suzy Cato

Two songs spring to the minds of parents and caregivers at the mention of Suzy Cato’s name – 'It’s Our Time' and 'See ya See ya later'. Now with two children of her own, her kid’s radio show in its ninth year, a YouTube Channel and a chorus of friends within Kiwi Kids Music, Suzy has not only dusted off some of those favourite tunes but created a couple more!=

Anika Moa

Anika Moa is as much a household name for her children’s music as she is for her contemporary albums. Her best-selling album 'Songs For Bubbas 2' is the first children’s album ever to top the national charts, and Anika has three New Zealand Children’s Music Awards under her belt.

Sunday 23 April, 11am and 1pm


Chanelle’s songs are full of things children love – animals, dancing, and getting messy, as well as unicorns and rainbows. Chanelle burst onto the kid’s music scene in 2013 when her song 'If I Was a Fuzzy Buzzy Bumblebee' won APRA's Best Children's Music Song award.

Anna Van Riel

Award-winning singer-songwriter Anna van Riel takes to the stage hot on the heels of her Off the Beaten Track tour of the Deep South and West Coast.

Saturday 29 April, 11am and 1pm

Kath Bee

Kath Bee’s clever lyrics and melodies stick in your head for days! Children have grown up singing her songs, ‘Individuality’ and ‘Dad I Wanna Be a Camel’. Kath won the APRA Children’s Video of the Year in 2010 and 2014 and is currently a semi-finalist in the International Song writing Competition.

Mr Roberelli

Mr Roberelli's highly interactive and humorous live show will have children and their parents up bouncing, listening quietly for details, singing 'really high', tiptoeing past the bull, moving like macho ballerinas, and much much more.

Sunday 30 April, 10.30am and 2.30pm

Captain Festus McBoyle and his Travellin’ Variety Show

Captain Festus McBoyle and his motley crew – complete with trusty wife Miss Lucy Drawers, ship's rat Mr Cheese and strongman extraordinaire ‘The Great Ebenezer’ – bring you the best of vaudeville, pantomime, and music hall entertainment.

Levity Beet

Levity Beet wows audiences with new musical inventions, playing instruments he makes from heaters, air-bed pumps, tyre valves, and anything else imaginable. He is well known for his dynamic and humorous performances in schools, early childhood centres, festivals, libraries, and private parties.


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