Interview: Amy Mansfield, I Didn't Invite You Here To Lecture Me
By Andra Jenkin
One of our writers sat down with Amy Mansfield, writer of I Didn’t Invite You Hear To Lecture Me, ahead of the Basement shows. Most students throw out their study notes, but not Amy. She has kept hold of them for the past 20 years--vertibiam quotes from her lectures that are too good to ever get rid of. The play was shown throughout the Auckland Fringe Week 2018, and even in some personal living rooms, the vibe is very independent and witty.

Interview: Hermitude
By Andra Jenkin
Elgusto, one part of the innovative electronic/dance music duo, Hermitude, sat down with one of our interviewers this past week; chatting about their loaded schedule, the bands ethos, how they communicate an instrumental show, and their creative collaborations.

Comedy Review: Donna Brookbanks
By Andra Jenkin
Artist: Donna Brookbanks
Date/Venue: Tuesday 21 May 2019 / Q Theatre, The Vault

Comedy Review: Phil Nichol
By Andra Jenkin
Artist: Phil Nichol
Date/Venue: Friday 17 May 2019 / The Classic Comedy Club
Comedy Review: Paul Douglas
By Andra Jenkin
Artist: Paul Douglas
Date/Venue: Friday 17 May 2019 / The Vault, Q Theatre

Interview: John Cooper from Skillet
By Andra Jenkin
I spoke with John Cooper, frontman for Skillet, and discovered he was a man unafraid to talk about positivity, identity or the darkness within.

Interview: Jay Laga’aia - November 2018
By Andra Jenkin
Peter Pan Goes Wrong is a play I've been dying to see, being a huge fan of comedy and having loved J.M. Barrie since I was a child.

Interview: Snake Sabo from Skid Row
By Andra Jenkin
I caught up with Snake Sabo of Skid Row and discovered he was a lot more profound and positive that I expected from a guy named Snake.

Interview: Chris Jericho
By Andra Jenkin
Rock and Roll with a Smile
I talked with Chris Jericho, about writing songs, fronting for Fozzy and rock and roll with a smile.