New Music Review - Rousseau - hello I know you're busy - April 2017

By Lisa Diedricks

Released Friday April 7th, 2017

Kiwi bred and kiwi loved, this breath of fresh air has finally hit our shores with her latest EP “hello I know you’re busy”. This release blew up on Spotify early April and to be honest, I fell in love with the first song I heard! Tracks like “Familiar” and “Suga Plum” put me in such a great mood, blasting in the lounge and singing from the top of my lungs, the mystic tones, the incredible balance of melody and lyrical attributes that Rousseau brings to this EP is something that I’ve been waiting for to add to my winter playlist. 

I’ve had the absolute pleasure of interviewing this beautiful soul and let me tell you, she’s definitely one to look out for! 

She gives me this familiarity to artist such as Banks and Lana Del Rey, with a hint of Laura Welsh, and together comes this simplistic yet astounding voice and aura that is Rousseau!

Songs like “Glycerol Tears” and "Desert Road”  brings the sense of pain and sadness to the album, with its chilling loops and subtle guitar licks , these tracks gives the EP its realism to this world. 

It’s definitely an album you can chill out too, and one that you can have a sing –a – long too! 

I’m very impressed with this EP and I hope NZ gives this artist a good listen! 

4 / 5


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