Concert Review with PHOTOS: Sleeping With Sirens


Artist: Sleeping with Sirens

Date / Venue: Sunday April 29th, 2018: The Powerstation, Auckland

Sleeping with Sirens, is the ultimate punk rock band.

I already knew that, but when the group came on stage and Gabe Barham the drummer was wearing a 'THANK GOD FOR PUNK ROCK' sleeveless tee, I felt the butterflies rise up and a solid mixture of panic and excitement.

This was the last show on their tour, and they had a dedicated fan base packed into the Auckland Powerstation, an amazing venue perfectly suited to the atmosphere and charisma of the band.

Kellin was amazing, his voice and stage presence, STUNNING, but he was in competition for the hearts of the audience with Nick, the rhythm guitarist. Somehow we all felt like he was our friend, and soon enough the rest of the band were all engaging in jokes and laughs with the audience.

SWS designed a perfect set list, opening with newer songs from their most recent album Gossip, then they moved on to a slow acoustic set, some of their most famous songs, of course If I'm James Dean You're Audrey Hepburn was in that mix. The whole crowd was singing along, all of us with love pouring from our lips and passion coursing through our veins. But I think the highlight for me was Kick Me, something about the build and transitions of the music was ferocious and direct, one of my all-time favourite songs from these guys, and hearing it live only made me love it more.

Also, I knew that Kellin could beatbox, maybe I had just never experienced it before, but WOAH. An amazing surprise if I've ever had one.

Our hearts all melted when Kelvin dedicated The Strays to King Louie. Melted. Into a collective puddle in the middle of the dance floor, it was one of the most heartfelt and loving things I have ever experienced, and I guess as a complete animal lover it couldn't have been any less amazing to me that somebody so famous and talented could have a special place in his heart for a stray, it just brings back to reality that these band members, are very real very amazing people.

I don’t think I have ever seen four people have more fun on stage than these guys, they clearly love each others company and that shows in the music they make. I can't wait for them to come back and blow my mind all over again.

Some shows are musically brilliant, some are smooth and build perfectly, some are fun creative and show the charismatic personalities of each band member, Sleeping With Sirens brought it all. I didn't want to leave that venue, but walking out I had a perfect feeling in my lungs and I've gained a new view on these people, not that it was unbiased to begin with... but I am a huge fan even more so now.

We love you, we appreciate you and I feel so lucky to have experienced this!


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