Concert Review: Pluto IV Album release show - Auckland - Saturday 23rd November
PLUTO | Photo Megan Moss
By Michael Day
Artist: PLUTO (Pipeline Under the Ocean)
Date: Sat 23rd November 2019
Venue: Hollywood Theatre, Auckland, NZ
I like turning up to shows unfashionably early, the bar is always accessible, the people watching is great and you can feel the build of excitement as showtime approaches.
I’m at the Hollywood Cinema in Avondale, a beautiful old building that has been oozing character and slightly seedy class since 1915. The outdoor smokers’ corner rapidly fills with a mix of mostly mid-forties folk with the occasional groups of shinier-skinned youngsters balancing out the (middle) age
spread. It's a visual reminder of the amount of time that has passed since Pluto first busted out in 2001, and also illustrates the huge appeal that their music has always had....the kids of all ages still think it’s cool, and it is. It’s pure ear worm fuel
Inside, the lights come down and the four piece support act, Ha the Unclear, take the stage with a bunch of quirky indi-pop tracks that get people moving. Humour is a big part of what these guys song in particular is about a discarded coffee table that has seen all manner of questionable behaviour on and around it…“Be careful with your furniture” the singer quips/warns.
Their songs are quintessential NZ songs...a bit of Dunedin jangle here, some lovely harmonies there, and that understated kiwi humour keeping it light. Student radio all the way.
After a short break in which the smokers’ corner fills up and empties again like a hazy tide, Pluto takes to the stage. Back after 10 years, they look comfortable under the lights.
Milan takes his place centre-stage, flanked by Tim (gat& vox), Matthias (keys & vox), and the excellent rhythm team of Mike (bass& vox) and Michael (drums) and they blast into it with their new single ‘Oh my Lonely.’
To call it a hooky track would be an understatement. It’s a fish-bin filled with a longline worth of pop sharpness and barbs. “Do you really wanna stop you really wanna stop...oh my lonely!”
At only 3 minutes long, it leaves the now very happy crowd wanting more, and they get it in the form of ‘Long White Cross,’ arguably Pluto’s most popular track. They are tight and intense and the crowd
is loving it, lots of hands in the air and jumping around on the by now packed lower floor.
I’ve now headed up to the balcony for a better view, and I’m happy to see it’s really full also.
Next up is ‘Stick with It,’ from ‘Red Light Syndrome.’ The guys are obviously enjoying themselves hugely and any nervous self-consciousness they might have had has faded, especially when they really get into the new tracks.
‘Revolting,’ is next up, parts of it reminding me somehow of ‘Pink Floyd’ bad thing there.
Another pop gem is next. ‘Rainbow Blood’. The drums and bass really pull this together and the chorus swells to a wall of sound. I hear harmonies that recall ‘Straightjacket Fits’ arrangements...lovely, dark and hopeful.
‘Suzie’ swaggers out next ...pop-rock bliss. The crowd is really getting into it now and the banter between the stage and the floor steps up a notch. “We didn’t know if anyone would come, so thank you!” Tim says to the packed venue.
Much cheering, hilarity and cat-calling ensues. I love a side of chuckles with my pop-rock.
The guys proceed to smash out most of the new album ‘IV’ to much appreciation. I love the cynical yet hopeful turn the lyrics take. Much can be read into the meanings but the abstract quality is enjoyable as its own thing. Take what you get from it depending on your own mood and experiences. The drums and bass are rock solid, holding down the staccato riffing from Tim, the swirly synth and keys and the vocal harmonies that weave throughout.
‘Pluto’ have always known how to build the tension and go hard when needed and they show that they are still very much in control of their vision and their musicality. It’s been like time-travelling but instead of backwards it’s more sideways...still totally the ‘Pluto’ they have always been, but morematured and experienced in the good and the hard lessons life throws at us.
Things are peaking and we have the indi-rock ‘Radio Crimes,’ pop bubba ’Hey Little’ and the classic ‘Dance Stamina’ as the last track , encored with ‘Alight’ from the new album. The place erupts in cheering, the lads look absolutely chuffed and mid-forties folk are all sweaty and smiling.
It’s been a win for all at the Hollywood tonight. Welcome back ‘Pluto’...nice to see you again..