Concert Review: Greta Van Fleet - Auckland - Tuesday 10th September 2019

Greta Van Fleet | Photo Megan Moss


By Teylor Moss

Artist: Greta Van Fleet

Date: Tuesday 10th September, 2019

Venue: Logan Campbell Centre

Kiszka brothers, Josh (vocals), Jake (guitar) and Sam (bass, keyboard) along side Danny Wagner (drums) formed Greta Van Fleet in Frankenmuth, Michigan 2012. Before G.V.F the Kiszka brothers used to perform shows in their town when they were starting out. As the band progressed and early drummer Kyle Hauck had joined them in their band, Kyle remembered a story his grandad had told him about needing to cut wood for a lady named Gretna Van Fleet, and thought it was a great name for a band and the rest is history.

Greta Van Fleet has smashed their way to the top of the game since releasing their debut single 'Highway Tune', bringing rock 'n' roll back from it's slumber. Highway Tune bought them to the top of the charts in September 2017 four weeks in a row. Following that was 'when the curtain falls' released in July 2018 and became their third number one single on the U.S billboard mainstream rock charts. Their EP 'From The Fires' won the 2019 Grammy Award for best rock album. AND their latest full length studio album 'Anthem Of The Peaceful Army' (released October 2018) topped the Billboard rock album charts, the FIRST WEEK after it's release. So, yeah. The world was ready for Greta Van Fleet.

This tour has not exactly been one of smooth sailing for G.V.F. Due to front-man Josh Kiszka's upper respiratory infection at the beginning of the year, resulting in taking a much needed rest by postponing their tour. This was not the only reason their tour was postponed,

G.V.F were also accepting their well deserved Grammy award for best rock album 'From The Fires'. It's been one crazy year for G.V.F they are giving it their all, no matter what is thrown their way. Highs and lows that come with the territory of rock 'n' roll.

Joining G.V.F on this tour is rising stars Golf Alpha Bravo, an alternative/indie Australian band with a semi psychedelic feel. G A.B brings everything to the table. Passion, confidence a way with the crowd and of course,an incredible, unique sound. It won't be long before they are headlining their own shows. Playing some of their well known songs, 'unwind', 'the seen zone blues’ and the most recent release from singer/guitarist Gab Winterfield 'groove baby groove', as the title implies, you will be grooving.

As the time grew closer and the crowd kept growing by the masses, all chatter was cut off as the house lights dimmed and the stage lights turned pink. Music started to play and the crowd was cheering for the band to enter on stage, a few minutes later,

G.V.F were still not on stage and the crowd was simmering down, a little bemused. As the crowd started talking among themselves about what just happened, the lights went out and the stage was lit by an electric blue. Greta Van Fleet came tearing on stage, greeting their fans and finally the fans could cheer for them.

Opening with a classic 'Safari Song', the crowd were losing their minds. Every single person was singing along to each lyric, a great start to the night as the crowd is beyond excited. Throughout the entire show you could see how much fun G.V.F were having, there seemed to be no stress, no complications, nothing but good vibes sent out from the band that we were receiving.

I don't think I'll ever be able to get over the music that is Greta Van Fleet. Let alone be able to describe it in a way that is gratifying enough, Josh is one super-human, being able to wail like that is disbelieving and leaves you with goosebumps when you hear it live.

To be able to hold notes that powerful and for so long, is insane. He has such a wide vocal range and the way he effortlessly glides between them is astounding. He captivates the audience and addresses them like their his friends giving them a cheeky smile and a wave.

Jake reminded me of how bad-ass a guitar solo should be, starting with playing the guitar behind his back! I have never seen anyone do that live, it was so cool. Bringing his SG back to it's usual resting place, he continued with his mind blowing solo for about 5 minutes without even breaking a sweat. Jake adds a special flare to each song, bringing an already great masterpiece to life.

I'm a sucker for a good bass line and Sam knows how to provide, he was amazing to watch live as he walked around the stage greeting all the fans while keeping the groove of the songs. As if Bass wasn't enough, Sam was also playing keyboard throughout the show and was slaying it. Adding a melodic note to their sound, that makes me want to sit on a field in the sun.

Danny may have been behind the others but he made his presence known, banging out beat after beat, keeping the band in time and giving G.V.F that old school rock 'n' roll sound. He looked like he was having the time of his life up there.

As one unit, Greta Van Fleet is a powerhouse of undeniable talent. It will never cease to amaze me how incredible they are and how much fun they are live.

Throughout the night the band played all the favorites; 'black smoke rising' 'flower power' 'you're the one' etc. Each song had been extended or altered in someway that made the songs even more incredible and more special as we got to hear something just for us.

The band finished their last song, said their thanks and headed off stage. The usual demand for an encore started and kept going, and going. Some people had left thinking their was no encore, but the rest stayed and demanded one. Hearing the demands, they returned on stage to give the crowd even more. Finishing after three songs including the infamous 'Highway Tune', They said their last and final goodbyes.

It was an amazing night and a great show, everyone around me was having a great time including G.V.F. One Of the highlights of my night (aside from seeing G.V.F) was towards the end, as people are usually calming down a little, two guys in front of me were not slowing down any time soon. Managing to empty a space that could have fit about 20 people in it, by break dancing/smacking into everyone. This style of dance was a mix of everything, from doing the hokey pokey to death dropping.

They seemed to be having the best time ever and it was sad when they departed from each others lives, I hope they find each other again.


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