Comedy Review - P.S. We Also Love Cats - Auckland - 10th May 2017

By Megan Blackwell

Artist: China Gonzalez, Marika Jackson & Lauren Mabbett - 'P.S. We Also Love Cats'

Date/Venue: Wednesday May 10th - 13th, 2017 - The Cellar at Q Theatre, Auckland

Wednesday night at 10pm, this is grassroots comedy primetime. P.S. We Also Love Cats is exactly what the comedy festival is about. It’s local upcoming talent showcasing their A material, they’re not totally polished and there’s still a rawness to the acts that reminds us of the passion behind the performances.

This show is a trio of comedians sharing their stories and observations, tied together in a unique buddle. Rather than the predictable format of MC setting up each act, Gonzalez, Jackson & Mabbett use faux green room banter and silly visual skits to present their sets. While obviously rehearsed, the nervous energy of these skits make these three really likeable.

First up was Gonzalez. There was an initial awkwardness but she found her feet talking about being the exotic Mexican finding her voice in a foreign country. Naturally she had some sharp jibes to make about Trump, but otherwise focuses on her history of ailurophilia and embracing her life as a Grey Lynn hipster. Her set flew by and I was left wanting for more of her thoughts on kiwi life through Mexican eyes.

Jackson’s set was a fun change of pace. Her approach of inverted logic and frank take on everyday observations was really fun. The way she jumped from topic to topic, without a segue in sight, was anything but jarring. Rather, it felt like I was following an internal monologue that reflected my own awkward neurosis.

Finally, Mabbett took us on a tour of her cynical views and experiences in her attempts to adult. She touched on the torments of parking tickets and traumatising school sports. Oddly specific things that I found both horribly and hilariously relatable.

Each comedian was distinctly different from the others, and while clearly they love cats, the thing that brings this show together is how each of them find the funny in the awkward.


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