Comedy Review: Laura Daniel X Joseph Moore

By Andra Jenkin

Artist: Laura Daniel X Joseph

Wednesday May 16th, 2018 -Q Theatre, Auckland

Milling around waiting to get into the show, are a whole lot of couples, and me. It dawns on me that Two Hearts: Restart the Hearts, might be a bit of a date night show. But soon the foyer and the theatre fill up. Its a packed out show and I can see it's not just couples in the audience now. 

It's clear that Laura Daniel and Joseph Moore are funny for a living on the regular. Nominated for the Billy T award, this is what they do. It's not one of those paired down, comedian with a microphone performances. This is a full noise stage show with music and video, massive musical numbers (total bangers) costumes, dancers and glitter cannons. It's slick and well rehearsed. It's polished and professional and the amount of time and effort, energy and money that has gone into this show are apparent. 

The songs are amazing, well-crafted and epic. The costume changes are many and varied. There's all the usual elements of a comedy show with skits, call backs, audience participation, puns and one liners and for a few lucky punters like myself, there's even free food.  

The choreography is fabulous, with Laura Daniel performing some impressive moves. The back-up dancers are called the heart-throbs and they are hot. Much is made of this in some very gender aware song and dance numbers in which no sacred cow is left un-tipped.

The songs make the worst things in the world the funniest things ever. Discussing many serious topics in a completely non-serious way, the show is seriously funny. Daniel and Moore are totally relatable and jaw-droppingly shocking at times. The material is woke and side-splitting.

Speaking of material, where can I get me a sparkly jumpsuit? I need that material in my life. 


Comedy Review: Pax Assadi


Concert Review: Rich Brian