Interview: Lost In Nowhere's Shay Taylor

By Lisa Diedricks

He was always the boy next door type energy, that type of person you just always wanted to be around. From day one, Shay Taylor has always been one to break the mold and live life in such a vibrant and contagious manner, that no matter who he spoke to, they walked away feeling great!

Growing up in Auckland, Shay was always either at the beach, hanging with mates, or making a name for himself in the fashion world.

“Yeah I’m a full Auckland kid! Pretty much one of those kids that begged mum for the latest kicks! – laughs Shay, when asked what he was like growing up.

Now the man himself has put together a team of the same like-minded personalities, and has hit the NZ markets with his new, fresh and all round exciting brand, LOST IN NOWHERE. I myself am a huge fan of this brand, not only for its incredible look and feel, but for so much more for what the brand represents. In NZ alone, its always tough to find a brand that you can truly support inside and out, without having logistics of what’s happening behind the scenes, and after talking with Shay about the company, you can see why this is an important brand to not only purchase but to get behind and support.

Their slogan consists of many inspiring quotes, but it’s the simplistic ones that get me and that make the brand so special, quotes like “Stay Lost”just seem to stick with me, as I’m all about that lifestyle, having a clothing brand that emphasizes living life with Zen and positivity, I will happily immerse myself in.

Shay and his team, are starting to make a huge name for themselves in the Auckland fashion community, with pop up shops at the Sunday markets, and an epic online store that keeps growing, and invites you to be part of the LOST club, it's easy to see how popular they got in such little time. There is a gap in the market with this niche of fashion and message, that people WANT to be drawn to something positive to commit to.

More recently, I got to chat with the man behind the brand, and got a little more in-depth about what LOST in NOWHERE is really about, check out the interview below:

Where did the idea come from? Where did it all start?

It all started on a solo roadie north… after two days of surfing my brains out on the shippie points, walking from break to break, I remember saying to myself shit I’m Lost In Nowhere… 4 months I’m doing an interview.

What inspires you in your everyday life?

For anyone that knows me – I have a new moment of inspo almost everyday.

I believe everyone has a story to tell and a lesson to teach me so I try and take everything as it comes and craft life based on those journeys. If I can make someone’s day a little better each day – I’m doing my job.

Where do you see the brand in the next 5 years?

A household New Zealand brand that’s the vision… We’re taking everyday as it comes, we’re learning on the fly, developing on the daily and we’re stoked to have some early adopters and fans of Lost In Nowhere.  Lets catch up in a few years and look back on this statement ha!

Who helps you create the beauty behind the product?

The beauty for me comes from the people that wear our stuff.  I literally saw the Clooney Club boys(check them out) rocking their Lost Tee’s three days in a row. Love to those kings and queens who send through their snaps, keep em coming.

In terms of the actual team, we’re a motley bunch with a common love for beach life – oh besides our photographer Laura she hates waves – We still love her though. Nicole our graphic designer – she makes all my pencil drawn visions come to life Laura our talented photographer

And our models Becca and Mitch – who I’m sure, are getting to get sick of free threads and beers. One day they’ll text me saying they’ve landed a job shooting for some major brand #modlife

Do you incorporate your everyday mantra into the business?

Absolutely, everything we design has a story behind it, At our core is the thirst for that never-ending dream of that day, that moment, that something. For me it’s not all about selling fashion items, every individual that likes our product will resonate with our designs in their own way, but if Lost In Nowhere can encourage people to do the things they’ve always dreamed off – like starting a fashion label, then that’s more impact than a tee shirt will ever have and hopefully through that we become a brand people love.

Was the success of the business a surprise to you?

I’m a pretty undercover dude when it comes to personal ventures, so exposing myself through the brand was pretty nerve racking… But I’m super stoked at the response to date and we’re growing daily.

When you’re not promoting the brand, what do you get up to?

Checking the surf reports. Checking again…Booking flights to Indonesia and then checking the surf reports again…yeah that’s pretty much it…

Outside of Lost In Nowhere I work as a Brand & Marketing Manager for a Global Fitness brand and enjoy a few too many beers with mates in between waves. I also have a goal to read 10 books this year currently only two down so I guess the next 6months will be made up of some serious reading.”

What are you currently into this season for fashion? What are you looking at for your next creation?

MMMM I don’t really follow trends as such, a pair of ripped jeans, a tee and some vans is pretty much me. In terms of our next creation were spending some time in Canggu Bali and Byron over the next three months so we will take some inspo and bring that through our summer drop… We’re also experimenting with organic cottons so stay tuned.”

Who in the fashion industry are you currently following?

F*king Ralph Lauren of course… Jokes aside. Byron Bay locals Afends and In Minds Eye are at the top of the list. Check em out.

Do you think there’s a gap in the NZ market right now for what you have going on?

I’d love to say yes! But kids these days have so many options with the fashion world being accessible at the scroll of a thumb. I do believe there is a growing trend in supporting local and as a shopper I personally get so much more value knowing where, how and who is creating my wardrobe.

As a brand where not here to compete with the commercial giants, they have their place… We’re more interested in doing cool shit for the collective that believe in our brand, we want people to cut, rip and wear the shit out of our products, we’re not some expensive Saturday night brand.”

What do you think the industry is lacking right now?

More fair-trade, More enviro friendly yo.

You can check out all of LOST in NOWHERE’s social media buzz and the following links:



Website :

You can shop on all social media platforms, so what are you waiting for?!


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