Alter Bridge Review With Live Photos

Photos by Megan Moss

By Megan Moss

Artist: Alter Bridge

Date / Venue: Friday March 31st, 2017 - The Powerstation, Auckland

Orlando, Florida-based rock legends Alter Bridge returned to New Zealand last night and put on an incredible show at Auckland’s Powerstation.
Now I wasn’t intending on writing a review at all, so please forgive me this small overview with not so much detail as I usually would add.

So how was it? ….well… The walls shook gloriously with Myles Kennedy’s incredibly strong pipes, man his voice impresses me (and of course a fair bit of brilliant guitar action on his behalf also),  Mark Tremonti out with all the guitar riffs…. STUNNING Actually! Brian Marshall on bass and Scott Phillipson on drums driving the backline and sounding so so good. The band was well and truly out in full force last night!

The band had the Audience’s attention from inception, it didn’t wane throughout the night, a bloody great rock gig was what it was! The pace, driving on and upwards remained all night bar a beautiful acoustic solo by Myles, what a gorgeous guitar he held in his arms ringing out beautifully, an aural pleasure, however; the audience mood and attention with this small acoustic injection did not wither away. Song after glorious rock song was dished up for us. Beautiful.  Alter Bridge; a line-up of talented and very skilled musicians who were also having fun onstage…. I do like that. I was Impressed by the whole bands connection with the crowd, you can tell they are grateful to and love their fans. A mighty show Alter Bridge…top marks!

The sound had a couple patchy moments at the beginning where Myles vocals were a little drowned out but that could’ve been that I was upstairs balcony at the time and it was sorted pretty quickly….no biggie. Lighting was great.

There was even a beautiful surprise to end the night; A man from the audience was invited to the stage by Myles…. stating he had some ‘BIG BUSINESS’ to attend to…. what is happening here?  Well the man then proceeded to also get his sweet lady up onstage to propose to her in front of the raucous crowd cheering him on as he got down on bended knee and proposed to his lovely lady…. who said yes to the delight of a couple thousand people and the band….. all the mushy love stuff happened!

All in all, Alter Bridge are a gigantic and memorable band to see live onstage. If you like a great rock show with opportunity to go, then do so!
Thank you Alter Bridge, please come back to New Zealand soon!

READ here for an Interview with Myles Kennedy
READ Here for an Interview with Mark Tremonti

Alter Bridge are now heading to Australia, we'll have some more coverage for you on Tuesday.
If youre in Australia and can get to any of these shows, Do SO!

3 Apr Brisbane, Australia
Eatons Hill Hotel

4 Apr Newtown, Australia
Enmore Theatre

6 Apr Melbourne, Australia
Festival Hall

8 Apr Fremantle, Australia



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