Interview: Aaron Chalmers
Recently we had Geordie heart throb and all round good guy Aaron Chalmers hit OUR shores and filled us in on what’s been happening around the toon. Aaron spent most of his time on yachts, drinking and enjoying our great weather. Aaron has had his fair shares of ups and downs when it comes to being in the public eye, but the Newcastle charmer is keeping his head high, and doing what he knows best, having a GREAT time! Read below to catch up on our interview with the man himself J
Aaron my dude! How are you?
“Hello lovely, you alright?” – (I love when the English greet like that!) “I’m not gonna lie I'm severely hungover, but I’m doing good haha!”
Partying hard are we? How was your stay here in NZ? What you get up to?
“Oh I’m always partying, but I’m feeling it more these days, I’m getting old! NZ was amazing! Beautiful country! To be honest, I didn’t spend TOO much time here this time, I was off the plane, did some appearances, then straight to the yacht party, drunk, and then had to be on a flight again! But it was awesome!”
So you’re off the Sydney now then? So have to ask, what accent do you prefer? The Kiwis or Aussies? Be careful ;)
“Ooooo, I need to be careful with this one, I’ll have to play it safe and say 50/50! I love both accents I really do! “
So you were talking before about getting old, is that cause the ol 3-0 is creeping up on ya shorty?! What’s your plans for this birthday? And HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY!
“Oh god yes it’s come around so fast to be honest! But honestly I think I’m just gonna get all the boys together, and go to either Ibiza or just somewhere tropical! To me it’s just another day really!”
What’s gonna be the best hangover cure for that day then?
HAHA, I feel that the older I get though, the harder it is!
“Mate, you’re telling me! I need a break soon!”
You’ve been getting a lot of promo work and business opportunities lately, how does that feel to you? What’s been happening with your current deals? Hera? Aces Couture and ASG?
“I feel blessed to be able to do these things while I still can and that business are even interested in me representing their brand, it’s an awesome feeling! All the current deals are going well! I really feel that ASG is going to blow up this year, great team behind that! I’m actually about to sign a 3 year contract with the MMA, so that’s something that’s going to be new for everyone. Not a lot of people know that side of me, and it’ll be cool showing off my skill in that aspect. So lots of training to be done! So I’ll wait till Geordie Shore is over haha!“
What do you reckon has been your biggest achievement to date?
“Ooo, good question aha! I don’t really know, I guess you could say being on Geordie Shore as long as I have innit. You know we see a lot of people coming and going and I have been so fortunate to stay and actually be part of the family. A lot of people don’t click, or don’t fit in, so having these people love me for me is amazing, cause I’m real, and I like to keep it real.”
Being a part of Geordie has obviously been a great success and has its perks? But what drew you in to take part in Ex on The Beach? What was the best to film this past year?
“I’m gonna tell you something really funny and probably not a lot of people know this, but I didn’t know who THE FUCK the ex was! HAHA! That pause you all saw on TV that was real I shit you not! Some girl just said “Oh you slept with me” and I was like “oh right okay” haha. It was an awesome time though, I made the best of it and had some fun! But by far Geordie is the best to film, that’s my town, my friends, I mean it’s a lot more full on that’s for sure but it the most fun to film. I used Ex on the Beach to relax really!”
HAHA No way!! That’s amazing, so it really wasn’t a fake pause, you really were confused!
Now you didn’t spend too much time here! Are we getting you back sometime soon!?
“I want to get back here ASAP! There’s so many things I want to see! Defo wanna do skydiving and jump off the bridge!”
Well I’ll make a deal with ya mate! When you get back here and if you share this interview on your social medias, I WILL get your name TATTOOED somewhere on my body! I PROMISE YOU THAT! We will take you skydiving and everything. You have our word!
“Done. Deal. That’s easy! I want to see the evidence on social media too!”
We can hashtag #BringGeordietoNZ and get this ball rolling!
“I’m in. I would love to do a few episodes in NZ that would be mint!”
Before we go, I just need to ask, are the rumours true? Is there a tattoo hiding somewhere that we all wanna see ;) HAHA!
Haha omg! Yeah! It’s true, but like not what you think, like it starts on the hip really and snakes down onto the base, so there’s a little preview for ya!”
I have images in my head now! Aaron thank you so much for talking with us and being a great sport! I promise to keep my end of the deal if you do!
“It’s gonna be kept I swear! Thanks love! Cheers!”
And there you have it folks, Mr Chalmers, being an absolute blast! You can catch Aaron on the new season of Geordie Shore, and Ex on the Beach, which is airing now on MTV!