Joe & Caspar

By Poppy Tohill

They’ve become the voice of millenials and now films, TV shows, book deals and live tours are following. With more than 11 million Youtube subscribers and one billion views, world-famous digital talent Joe Sugg and Caspar Lee will bring their live tour to New Zealand, this November, for the very first time, in support of their second BBC feature-length film, Joe & Caspar Hit The Road USA

Following this exciting announcement, we had a chat with Joe and Caspar to learn more about the ins and outs of being a Youtuber, their thoughts on New Zealand and what we can expect from their first visit to our shores. 

Lets start from the very beginning ~ How did you two meet and becoming involved in the world of Youtube and vlogging? 

JOE - Caspar was actually living with my sister’s boyfriend so when Alfie and Zoe moved in together, Caspar had nowhere to live, which at the time I was really getting into Youtube and had just moved to London. So both looking for somewhere to live, we ended up getting a flat together and that was really the start of this whole thing! 

A lot of your content is humorous, with the goal to make people laugh..  Have you ever worried that people won’t connect or find your videos funny? 

CASPAR - I don’t think too hard about it to be honest, because I just want to make stuff that I enjoy making. Most people say nice things, but of course when you’re on Youtube there’s billions of people that can watch your videos, so there’s always going to be those people that are unhappy in their own lives and feel comfortable jumping behind a keyboard and taking out their frustrations on others. It definitely can get quite difficult when you don’t always get positive comments, but all you can do is carry on. 

I imagine it’s an interesting career to explain to others ~ So how would you describe your job? 

JOE - It is difficult to explain what we do, especially to anyone over the age of 40. But I usually say we’re content creators on Youtube. So we create content that generates a lot of views, which also enables us to go to a lot of events. 

Now with our British company Raucous Productions, we’re working on a lot of different things and have quite a few projects on the horizon, so it’s very exciting. 

We’re very excited that you’re bringing your live tour to our shores for the very first time this November.. What are you most looking forward to about visiting New Zealand? 

CASPAR - I haven’t been to New Zealand before, but from doing interviews, you all have such amazing accents! (laughs). I can’t wait though. I hear the food is great and I’m really excited to go bungy jumping! 

JOE - I had one of the best months of my life in New Zealand, travelling around in a Kathmandu campervan back in 2011, so I’m really excited to go back and make some more great memories there. Whenever anyone talks about New Zealand though, the fact that you’re still better at rugby than us always comes to mind! (laughs). 

Celebrating the release of your second film Joe & Caspar Hit The Road USA on your upcoming tour.. Can you tell us a little bit about this film and what we can expect from it? 

CASPAR - Everything is a lot bigger on this trip compared to our road trip throughout Europe. We do a lot of ordinary, traditional American things but there is also a huge mistake early on which you will figure out. The other thing I’ll say, is there is a lot of amazing characters in the film because America is full of extroverts. 

What was your favourite memory from the USA trip? 

JOE - We did all of these eating challenges, which I’m not a massive fan of but Caspar thought he could handle it, even though his stomach said no. So, there’s this once scene where he basically had to stop all of the traffic so he could get to the toilet, which is all caught on camera and is a prime example of why you shouldn’t do eating challenges. But it was hilarious for me! (laughs). 

It always looks like you’re having so much fun on camera.. Do you ever plan the material you want to capture before filming, or is it all natural, as it happens? 

CASPAR - It’s a bit of both really. You always have to keep to the challenge or the scenario that you’re in, but it’s definitely not acting either, because they’re all our real reactions to the situations. But keeping it relevant to what you’re doing is the key, so we definitely talk about what’s happening a little bit, just so we can be sure to tell the story continuously, but it’s all very natural. 

You always seem to be competing against each other ~ Who really is the biggest prankster between the two of you? 

JOE - I think I’m the biggest prankster! (laughs). Only because Caspar doesn’t prank me back, whereas I don’t ever give up. I’m like the annoying brother because I’m constantly thinking of the next prank.  

So what is the best prank you’ve pulled on Caspar? 

JOE - My favourite has always been the first one I ever did to him, where I continuously pranked him over the course of a week. Caspar had actually pranked me first, so this was my retaliation (laughs). It went really well though and it made me think, I need to start pranking people more often, because it’s so fun to do (laughs). It’s also scary thought, because you’ve set up all of the cameras and if he see’s one of them at any point, then that’s it, it’s ruined. So there’s a lot of pressure riding on each prank! 

Last but not least, to finish off on a tough one.. Your global tour see’s you visit both Australia and New Zealand, which of the two are you looking forward to the most? 

JOE & CASPAR - It has got to be New Zealand, right? Of course it’s New Zealand! 

Joe & Caspar Hit The Road USA Live In New Zealand

Thursday November 10th: ASB Theatre, Auckland

Tickets via Ticketmaster


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