Rhythm & Vines 2015


By Teylor Moss

Date / Venue: December 29-31, 2015: Waiohika Estate, Gisborne

What an amazing way to end the year! Celebrating its thirteenth year, Waiohika Estate Vineyard, located in the captivating hills of Gisborne, has once again pulled off one of New Zealand's largest new years celebrations. With artists such as Sticky Fingers, Yung Lean, Angus and Julia Stone, Scribe, Pendulum and more.

Crowds gathered in there thousands to attend these performances and party through to the New Year. Although this years Rhythm and Vines wasn't as large as previous years and missing a few attractions, it was an unforgettably amazing experience.

Nestled in the hills of the Estate was the Vines Stage, the Rhythm Super Top Stage, Cellar Stage and the Old Mout Cider Shack. Boom Town- complete with plenty of food stalls, clothing stalls, body art stalls and more. There was always something to do, there's even a water slide to cool yourself down in the heat!

If you feel like spending a little extra on the VIP pass, you have access to your own food and drink stall, and the best view looking over all of the Estate. If you're feeling up for a laugh, the cider shack had a comedy line up served with a nice cold drink, a perfect way to unwind and enjoy yourself!
Bringing excitement to the first day, Yung Lean gives an amazing performance that draws everyone to the vines stage, a great choice to kick start the next few days off.

Unfortunately Mac Miller was unable to attend this years R&V due to exhaustion, a huge disappointment for Rhythm and Vines goers, but keeping the crowd alive were acts such as: Slumberjack, Peking Duk and R.L Grimes. Stellar performances all round, that the crowd were loving! First night went off with a bang!

Keeping the tradition of dressing up alive on the second night, people in pink were everywhere showing their support for those with breast cancer. 
Sticky Fingers performed one of the most amazing shows I've ever seen; looking out to the crowd I know they'd say the same. Keeping the party vibes up, Sub Focus and IDNero and Zeds Dead smashed their sets. Drawing in a bigger crowd than the first night, Waiohika Estate was buzzing with excitement and sound. If this was the second night, I couldn't wait to see how insane tomorrow was going to be.

In a flash the last day had come upon us, I could swear the crowd has doubled in size; this is how everyone wants to spend their New Years! Unfortunately we hit a snag with our weather, mud all around from the rain put a damper on things a little, but not enough to bring the mood down. There were so many big acts lined up for the night, such as: Angus and Julia Stone, Scribe, Pendulum, Dave Dobbyn and so much more. 
Heading into the last hours of 2015, Waiohika Estate was packed, crowded absolutely everywhere, it was hard to move and see where you were going! The night was going to be crazy.

Scribe took the stage and the crowd went insane, lifting the vibes for the New Year. A great choice to play on the last night. Playing us into the New Year was none other than Pendulum, a perfect choice to excite the people and party through to 2016. As the countdown hit one, an explosion of fireworks and cheers erupted, as we introduced the New Year upon us. Partying through 'till sunrise, Rhythm and Vines have once again thrown the most insane New Years festival that I'll be sure to go to next year and the years to come.

Thank you so much to the incredibly helpful and amazing staff that helped make this event possible, to all the amazing bands that delivered the most insane performances that I'll never forget. It was an amazing three days, if you haven't been before, this is the best way you could celebrate the New Year! buy your tickets and go!


David Bowie - Blackstar


Rhythm & Alps 2015