These Four Walls


By Mark Derricutt

Artist: These Four Walls

Date / Venue: Saturday February 20th, 2016 - Kings Arms Tavern, Auckland

One of the great things I love about having a passion,  no; scratch that - addiction to music; is the continual discovery of new bands that catch you so off guard that you can't help but sit back and soak it in, and listen in awe.

So it was again last night at the King's Arms Tavern, I was all set for a quiet night at home when I got a last minute call to fill in for a fellow Libel photographer -  a quick listen on YouTube of the headliners These Four Walls and I was already getting excited to see what I heard echoed live.

Knowing nothing than a brief exposure to some serious hooks and melodies I jumped in the car and braved the traffic hell caused by Auckland's annual Lantern Festival getting to the venue right in the middle of a rabid Wolfpack going wild -  and into the fray I lept.

Written By Wolves

Weaving myself to the front of the stage the giant pounding drums and grooves that greeted me gave way to poppiest syncopated dance beat that caught me off guard til I was bouncing up and down with the rest of the crowd, syncing myself in unison with front man Michael Murphy (who I would later learn was the same Murphy from TV’s NZ Idol) - this was not your average rock show, this was something… fresh.

And I was loving it.

Big riffs, powerhouse vocals, epic grooves and a well honed, mainstream vibe, and a live show to bring nearly any house down - Written By Wolves are definitely a band to watch out for.

After a short break, These Four Walls hit the stage - returning home to put on a show after relocating to Queensland’s Gold Coast several years ago.  As it transpires the band have been hard at work writing and recording songs for their long awaited followup to 2012’s 'Living To Write The End' album and most of the evenings set comprised of new songs - so as someone unfamiliar with their material I was write at home with everyone else.

Unfamiliarity with the songs didn’t seem to be a problem for myself, or those around me as catchy choruses and ample instruction from frontman Steve Gib basically taught us all we needed to sing, and with one voice the whole venue was chanting along.

Speaking of voices - midway thru the set Michael Murphy was welcomed to the stage for a raucous heart warming rendition of John Farnham’s classic song 'You’re The Voice'.

It was unfortunate that I missed opening act 'Thin White Lines' as that would have made a most enjoyable evening just that more awesome. For a night of music from unknown ( to me ) acts - I left thoroughly sated with several albums of new music to check out - I call that a win.

My name is Mark \m/ and I’m an addict.


Raggamuffin 2016


Hunt For The Wilderpeople