Adam Lambert

By Poppy Tohill

Artist: Adam Lambert

Date / Venue: Wednesday August 5th, 2015 - Civic Theatre, Auckland

Thanks to iHeartRadio and 2degrees mobile, Auckland's Civic Theatre was home to a fantastic glamour party on Wednesday night...

Arriving just as the doors opened, the line went right around the corner and up the street as excited fans of Adam Lambert's clambered inside to ensure they scored the best seats in the house. The venue was packed and it couldn't be more obvious that everyone had brought their dancing shoes with them and were more than ready for a good time.

Sweet Mix Kids had the job of warming everyone up and they gave it a good crack, managing to get the audience to their feet with a mix of Taylor Swift, Major Lazer, Michael Jackson and even a bit of Avalanche City for good measure, but it was Adam Lambert that the entire audience were saving their energy for and once he took to the stage, every seat in the house became abandoned.

Kick starting things off in a true energetic ‘Glambert' style, Lambert pranced across the entire stage as he belted out ‘Evil In The Night' from his latest album ‘Original High,' of which he then went on increase the energetic pace even more so with this ‘album title track,' before taking things back to 2012 and launching into the popular dance floor hit, ‘Shady' from his 2012 album ‘Trespassing.'

Having seen Adam Lambert perform with Queen earlier last year, I knew what to expect of his long impressive notes and the way he can so effortlessly belt out a tune, but as for tonight it seemed to take Lambert a little while to warm up, vocally. But sure enough, by the time he got to emotional, power-ballad'There I Said It,' I saw the Adam everyone knows and so adoringly loves, as the entire crowd joined in clapping and waving their arms in the air as he went on to mesmerise the audience with his beyond breath-taking vocal ability.

From this point on things only continued to get better, as Lambert's vocals grew stronger, switching the energy level knobs back into high for his most popular song of all time and undeniable crowd favourite‘Whataya Want From Me,' which had every single audience member, both young and old, male and female squealing with utmost excitement while singing their lungs off and dancing their feet off.

‘Underground,' proved another stunning and powerful tune which Lambert gave his all before announcing "I think you might have heard this one on the radio," launching into ‘Ghost Town,' a track, which considering the number of people who were dancing and singing along, have most certainly heard on the radio.

Before you could blink, Lambert announced, he had just one song left. "We've got one more for you and you'll probably know it, but we've changed it up a little bit." With that, his band launched into a reggae version of Lambert's second most popular single, ‘If I Had You.' As the original was the main song that ultimately made me some what of a fan of Lambert's, me, along with a few around me were slightly disappointed not to get the original version, but none the less, Lambert strut his stuff with a more than interesting version of the track that the majority of fans seemed to appreciate and enjoy.

Disappearing off the stage in a flash, the "We want more" chant quickly began as Lambert's band eventually returned to the stage followed closely by Adam himself for an encore which may have slightly blew the rest of the concert underwater.

Launching into upbeat single ‘Trespassing,' Lambert soon transitioned into a foot-stomping cover of Queen's‘Another One Bites The Dust,' before taking it back to one last chorus of ‘Trespassing' which tied the brilliant mash up to an end perfectly, not to mention ending the concert on the best possible high anyone could have asked for.




Head Like A Hole