
By Clare McCabe

Artist: Misfits

Date / Venue: Saturday December 5th, 2015 - Galatos, Auckland

Ah the Misfits. A band we know and love. Back on our shores for a few cheeky nights playing their Static Ageand Earth AD albums and loads of hits. What a treat. Oh and this year it's a family affair as Jerry Junior has joined the band and he is rocking it (as we knew he would). And Galatos is the perfect venue for such an event - small, dark, dingy and intimate.

First up we get The Cavemen - seriously guys, great set. Much craziness and excellent hair - very Cramps meets Black Flag. And a bloody brilliant cover of Scavangers' True Love. Nice. Good luck with your upcoming OE.

Second support are all flying coloured hair and lots of noise - thanks girls.

And then Jerry Only climbs on stage in "the" jacket clutching his signature skull-topped bass and they are off. 1-2-3-4 and they're straight into it. Static Age is the first album up and the songs are coming thick and fast. Very fast. Last Caress (my fave) makes an early appearance. "I've got something to say", screams Jerry. "I killed your baby today".... Oh. My. God. These songs are just written to be played live. There are first pumps galore from Jerry. Eric hammers away at the back of the stage on his drums. The boys swop places at front of stage over and over and plough through the set looking like they are loving every minute. As are the audience.

Hi Jerry Junior and welcome - you sure are keeping up the energy of the band and the makeup is superb and that Devil Lock... it's certainly great to see these older bands recruiting new members (especially family members) and continuing to bring the band out on the road. Keep going guys, we appreciate it.

Too many songs to list. It's like a Ramones concert, you know all the songs and they just keep getting better. A few highlights are Saturday Night (so rock n roll) and the mighty Dig Up Her Bones. Attitude makes an appearance and Scream. There's loads of wahooo-hooo sing alongs. We Are 138 and Who Killed Marilyn get an airing.

And then we're nearing the end and they boys finish up with a rounding rendition of Halloween. We'll be back soon, don't worry about that Jerry tells us. Thank god. We need our yearly Misfits fix to keep us going.

"Well that was fun", says Jerry, as he climbs down from stage and proceeds to hang out with the audience for a good 20 minutes, taking selfies and chatting with every last fan in the queue. What a gentleman. And what a night.

Thanks for the visit boys, see you next year perhaps? And this time can you bring She Demons with you?




Gin Wigmore