Fleetwood Mac

By Clare McCabe 

Artist: Fleetwood Mac

Date / Venue: Saturday November 21st, 2015 - Mt Smart Stadium, Auckland

They might have been nearing the end of their 15-month world tour, but it certainly didn't show during their 2 ½ hour set last night at Mt Smart StadiumFleetwood Mac showed us how truly spectacular they are live. And the sold-out 38,000 strong crowd loved every minute of it.

Arrived in time for a few folky numbers from Australian support Angus and Julia Stone. There was even a banjo solo during the set - too cute.

It was a first for me to be seated on the field (perhaps not the ideal weather for it but who cares) and the view was fabulous. The stadium was packed to the corners - the fullest I have ever seen it, and I have been there many, many times.

From the first notes of The Chain the audience were hooked. Stevie strolled out in her fabulous black, flowing outfit looking stunning and they were off. Oh and look, Christine McVie is here. How lucky are we that we get the full line-up again after all this time?

"Listen to the wind blow", sings Stevie, and the tambourine gets an airing. Lindsey is super energetic (looking great Linds) and Christine smiles from behind her keyboard. John is right up there beside stevie keeping the beat on bass. Oh and perched behind his drum kit at the back is the one and only Mr Mick Fleetwoodshowing us how it's done.

How can Stevie's voice still be this strong after all these years? "Let's get this party started" she screams and swings into Dreams, Second Hand News and then oh my god, Rhiannon. That dance. Those sleeves. That hair... Stevie is on form tonight my friends and ready for a long evening.

Christine grabs some maracas, Lindsey has a little chat with us and they are off again... There are a lot of hits and we are getting them all. Tusk gets an airing, followed by the haunting Sara.

Then the acoustic guitar is out and Stevie talks us through dedicating the fabulous Landslide to her dad. Jesus that song is haunting. Lindsey and Stevie do a few numbers by themselves and then Mick brings out his "cocktail" drum kit and joins the rest of them up front.

These guys love a little chat between songs let's be honest. Stevie tells another story about her fave boutique in San Francisco in the late 60s and then swings into the best song of the evening: "So I'm back to the Velvet Underground...". I have waited to hear Gypsy all my life and last night it happened.

The rain continues and the band plays on. Little Lies. Gold Dust Woman. Then they finish up Go Your Own Wayand say goodnight. But of course it is not over yet there's more to be sung. I do love a good encore and we are not disappointed. Bring out the lighters people - the final song is Songbird and could it get any more emotional? I think not.

Stevie, Christine, Lindsey, John, Mick. You guys are the best. Thanks for coming back to New Zealand to visit us and play us your tunes. It. Was. Beautiful.

Grab a ticket if you haven't already for tonight - their final show of the tour. And sing along as loud as you can. Drowning. In the sea of love. Where everyone would love to drown...




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