Ritesh Vaghela

A Fine Balance is an explosive offering bringing over 20 cast members to the stage in an enduring tale of 1970s India and the effects of the state of emergency rule. Four strangers are thrust together, forced to share one cramped apartment as they shift from distrust to friendship and from friendship to love.

We caught up with Ritesh Vaghela, who is the musical director for A Fine Balance and found out more about both himself and the show. The Prayas Theatre Company's 10-year birthday extravaganza will play at the TAPAC stage from 8th - 18th October.

Where were you born and where did you grow up? 
Born and grow up in (Gujarat) India.

Who were your early musical influences?

My family and other bandies in school band

A Fine Balance opens later this week, how did you become involved with this project?

I have been a part of Prayas Family since early 2013. When I heard that we are opening for A Fine Balance- I wanted to take an initiative and present my ideas around the script/story and what I have to offer to this show.

Were you familiar with the novel beforehand?

I had heard of the book but I had not read it myself.

How long did it take you to prepare all the music for this show?

Approximately two months working with cast experimenting and devising the sound scape.

Who are the musicians involved and what instruments are featured?

Marie (Sarasvati) Willis
Karen Plimmer
Dhruv Mody

Found object like Plastic buckets, Flower pots, Kitchen utensils, glass bottles etc. and Harp, Clarinet, recorder , tambourine, Water Udu and Cajun

What was the most challenging aspect for you?

Accompanying and augmenting the rich emotional journey of this play with a fine balance of sound and silence.

What other projects do you have in the pipeline?

- A fundraiser event at Tapac (Red Carpet Revamp)-18th October 2015
- Dance show with my dance group (Khottey Sikkey) at Aotea Square - 18th October 2015 (Diwali 2015)
- Bollywood Live Music for a community event- 14th November 2015
- Acting in Theatre show/play mid next year- dates yet to be confirmed however the rehearsal starts from December 2015

Ritesh Vaghela is the musical director for A FINE BALANCE playing 8th - 18th October at TAPAC. For more information or bookings go to www.tapac.org.nz




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