Head Like A Hole

By Clare McCabe

Artist:  Head Like A Hole

Date / Venue:  Friday August 1st, Kings Arms, Auckland

Oh the excitement. A free HLAH show at Kings Arms. Don't mind if I do.

First up we are treated to a short set from the very Cramps-esque sounds of Bloodbags. Fast and sludgy with four super tall guys and one very low slung guitar.

Now just quickly. Want to mention that I first saw HLAH when they supported Red Hot Chili Peppers at theSupertop way back in the early nineties. A lot of you might not have been alive then. Bad luck. The boys' live act back then sure was one to remember.

But I digress. Back to the evening. And the boys are back in town. With the recent recruitment of bassistSimon Nicholls (ex-Anigma and most recently Luger Boa) their current line-up is super tight. Fronted by the mighty Booga in his vintage (or maybe original) leather coat.

And on they come, cramming all five members on the teeny Kings Arms stage and they launch into their first tune. Booga is obviously enjoying himself from the first note. Simon plays that bass down low. And Andrewrocks the plaid shirt/jeans/boots combo like its 1996.

All the favourites were played. We get Comfortably Shagged. We get Wet Rubber. Fish Across Face makes an appearance. And we get my favorite, I'm On Fire, complete with a couple of lighters held aloft in the audience. Too cute.

This is our last song, says Booga, and they swing into Hootenanny. And the crowd goes wild. Again. There is even a spot of enthusiastic crowdsurfing.

Last song - whatever. Back they come for a quick encore of Cornbag and then the mighty Glory Glory. And they are gone, with us all still singing along - Glory Glory, Hallelujah, just like a knife, it cut's right through ya...

Sorry if you missed it. And good on you if you managed to attend. There is absolutely no way there will be anyone who walked away disappointed. Thanks iHeart Radio for inviting us. The 90s are alive and well and played at the Kings Arms last night.

And finally, if you are not aware, HLAH have started a Kickstarter campaign to fund their new album. My advice is to sign on up and hand over a few $ if you can. Your name will appear on the CD liner notes, and they may even throw in a sickbag complete with lyrics. As you do.

Thanks boys and welcome back. See you again soon when you tour the new album.


Ben Howard


Dan Aux