
By Sebastian Mackay

There are some things in life you can control; small children, a line of ants, a dog, how many forks you eat your cereal with. And there things that you can't; Americans, Americans being good at their jobs, an army of possessed demon baby babies, what piracy (and the digital age) does to CD sales and fans getting band tattoos.

Over a single malt whisky, on the rocks Seether's bassist Dale Stewart reckons band tattoos aren't for him (okay, the entire first part of that sentence was a lie. But it sounds better than what actually happened: A South African shouting at a Kiwi who was shouting at a South African with an American sitting somewhere in LA trying to figure out what's going on).

Though by the end of this little misadventure Dale's not entirely sure where he stands on getting band tattoos. It feels like he does a complete 180 and, if that was at my hands, sweet!

One thing he finds a little amusing is the idea that if Seether implodes all of those fans with Seether tattoos or the fans looking to get them will be branded for life. He laughs, not in the throw your head back sort've way but the ‘I can't believe you just said that' sort've way.

"I have a Seether tattoo myself," he says sounding muffled and a little taken aback. (I want to tell him: ‘oh, I know you do' but I feel that's too creepy). "So if something does happen to the band then I'll have to have a kid or something and call him Seether to justify the tattoo."

Idea = up voted. In the same way he doesn't want to encourage people to get band tattoos, I don't want to encourage people to breed. "I wouldn't want to suggest that people go out and get band tattoos, I don't have any myself."

By his reckoning, and remember people have being getting Seether tattoos since Disclaimer ripped the face off the industry and spat in its eyes in 2000, it's pretty awesome. "It's very flattering. It's one of those things that never gets old. It's like hearing your song on the radio, it's always fun to hear. Band tattoos are the highest form of flattery."

"It's cool and it's great," (he doesn't want to suggest people get them but he loves them) "and with music, even if the band does ago away then the love of the music can continue on and people can be fans for life."

Ah, if only that were true for Ian Watkins and Lost Prophets fans...Too soon? Bad taste? Yeah, probably.

Back on subject. After a little bit of prodding (and before the above mentioned ‘Murican cuts the call off) he comes clean about what tattoos mean for him. He's not a ‘go getter' but more of a ‘think seriously' type of guy.

"I wouldn't get band tattoos but I get tattoos for very different reasons. I only get one if I need to have it."

Here comes the 180...

"But there are bands that mean a lot to me. When you look at it like that, it's a very rational and very logical thing to do. It makes sense."

Yup, those are the sweet words of almost changing a famous dude's mind about his own body. Even now (when you read this) I'll still be feeling astrange sense of accomplishment, a sense of power. Like Dr Evil but decidedly more effective. It's a game of wait and see. Admittedly, in the quiet moments, I like to think he's somewhere in the world quietly picking out a band tattoo (one those times where something sounds less creepy in my head).

The new album Isolate And Medicate is out now and if you're looking for a new tattoo, a first tattoo or a fun tattoo, it's a good a place as any to start. 


Anberlin - Lowborn

