Dolly Parton

By Allie Cooper

Artist:  Dolly Parton

Date / Venue:  Friday February 7th, Vector Arena, Auckland

How can such an elfin diminutive woman have such a huge voice? A voice she uses it to captivate and enchant the audience with not just her songs but with the tales that she shares.

Dolly drew her fans into her life; into her past with stories to accompany many of the songs. Early in the show belted out ‘Jolene' after sharing how the idea of it came from a time in her marriage when "My husband was spending more time at the bank than we had money". And the song resonated with the power of past feeling.

Her voice filled the arena, and even when she was unaccompanied, as in a couple of songs, it was an instrument of intensity.

The songs told stories of her past and her present, portraying the passion she has for family, faith and her fervent love of home. She spoke of her humble origins and painted pictures with songs like 'Coat Of Many Colors'. Dolly presented a genuine warmth and authenticity that fame hasn't jaded 

The band, were a mature group, like a full-bodied wine, with plenty of flavour to accompany the banquet of Dolly's songs.  Some songs came from her new album Blue Smoke but it was the old favourites that many people came for and they weren't disappointed. A medley of which was well received.

Towards the end she performed a couple of her very well known signature tunes and ended with a tribute to her audience with ‘I Will Always Love You.'

Gracious in her appreciation of her longstanding fans, at one stage she said she hoped it wouldn't be another thirty years before she returns.
Dolly outshone her rhinestones!


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