Broods - Broods EP

By Poppy Tohill

Whether you listen to the radio or not, most people would have heardNew Zealand's newest brother-sister pop duo, the Broods hit song‘Bridges' by now. So whether you're a fan whose been impatiently hanging out for the release of their EP or you're just interested in what their other songs are going to sound like... the wait is now over and I must admit I'm quite excited about that fact.

The duo consists of Caleb Nott and younger sister Georgia Nott, who emerged in the music scene with the release of their debut single ‘Bridges' in October last year, which peaked at number eight on the NZ Top 40 Charts. Since then the duo have not mucked around signing with international record labels Capitol and Polydor in December and releasing their self titled EP in January 2014, which will be followed by a full length debut album in August.

Each time I listened to ‘Bridges' I found it grew on me more and more, as with the other songs on the EP.  So I suggest when listening to Broods, don't be quick to judge, listen to each song a few times before you make up your mind on the overall product and soon enough you too will be in awe of Georgia's sky-scraping vocals and will struggle to put your headphones down.

The EP begins with a slow-burning emotional track, ‘Never Gonna Change,' filled with heartbreak which renders a ton of emotional gratification during the chorus- "I hate that I can't say you're name, I'm feeling like part of the blame, and it's never gonna feel quite the same, but it's never gonna change..."

Besides ‘Never Gonna Change' and ‘Bridges' the rest of their EP continues on their alternative aesthetic.'PrettyThing', my personal favourite, is the most fast-paced track on the EP, that succeeds with the palpitating percussion.

Belting you in the heart once more with the reverbed hush of the vocals and the cathedral piano open, the duo's debut hit single ‘Bridges' is slipped in as the third track, to remind you just why you can't stop listening just yet. The atmospheric swell soon draws your attention in as the vocals sink deep into delay and kicks with bright claps, work their way into the song.

'Sleep Baby Sleep' causes you to deeply fall for Georgia Notts beautiful voice and spectacular vocal range, while still packing a powerful pop punch and soothing beat.

‘Taking You There' is another quietly, soothing track, backed with an easing restful pop beat. The closing track,‘Coattails' is an unexpected finale that resurrects the entire EP and leaves you wanting to listen to the whole thing again.

A body of lustrous pop soaring on the grace of beautiful vocals and stylish synth's doesn't take long for you to fall in love with the talented duo when listening to this EP. If you weren't a fan of Broods prior to listening to this EP, then get ready to be converted...

5 / 5


The Adults with the APO

