The D4 announce Christchurch show

The D4 return to Christchurch after too long an absence... and it will be the night after their last show at the Kings Arms in Auckland, they will perform an intimate show at Space Academy with locals Best Bets

And for those who came in late ... 

The D4  have performed many a  legendary show at the inner city Auckland venue fondly referred to at the KA.  The Kings Arms was an early,  and important venue in the band's career - they played shows with the likes of the Hellacopters, Dead Moon, Guitar Wolf, The Faceful, The Datsuns, The Rock and Roll Machine before playing to a record attendance at their last show there in 2006;  and lets not forget the infamous show where the PA actually caught fire mid show, and the band played on! 

 Auckland City Limits is locked and loaded  for Saturday 3rd March, but beforehand  they will also perform shows in Raglan, Hamilton and Helensville, and later in March they head to the East Coast for  Napier & Gisborne dates after giving the capital an earbashing - see dates below. 

HISTORY LESSON: Formed in 1998 from the ashes of Nothing At All! by Dion Palmer (Lunadon) and Jimmy Christmas (late of A Bit Off!) with Jake Harding on bass, and Richard Whall on drums,  the D4 brought together their love of rock and roll mayhem learnt via The Sonics, Johnny Thunders, The MC5 & of course the Stooges - and lets not forget being first hand witnesses (and sometimes members of)  to shows by Dead Moon and local luminaries such as The Rainy Days, The Source, S.M.A.K, Supercar, & Gestalt

Beaver Pooley joined the group on drums in 1999 and such was the commitment of the man - he commuted to Auckland twice weekly to rehearse whilst holding down a full time job in hometown Thames

Instantly making a  sonic imprint on the auckland scene , they were signed to Flying Nun in 1999 and were soon to venture nationwide, to Australia and in 2000 found themselves in Japan as guests of their pals Guitar Wolf. 

In 2002 they created a storm at SXSW en route to the UK, selling truckloads of their Rock and Roll Motherfucker t-shirts 

In  2002 their debut album 6/20 was released internationally (6/20 being the model of a Jansen amp the band were fans of). International touring, European festivals, and major US television appearances on Craig Kilborn and even Late Night WIth David Letterman 

In 2005 their second album Out Of My Head was released internationally,  and by mid 2006 they announced enough was enough and played their last show at The Kings Arms. 

Not men to put their feet up, Dion has been ripping it up in the New York based A Place To Bury Strangers as well as releasing his debut solo record earlier this year, Jimmy ( a man with a full back tattoo of Ziggy Stardust) formed Luger Boa; releasing two albums and toured that group extensively. Jake's quest to write the perfect Ray Davies tune not written by Ray Davies has been fulfilled in thee 'magnificent'  Rum Coves who are two albums old with many a show under their belts. And Beaver has held the throne in Luger Boa, Valedictions,  and most recently The Jordan Luck Band .  These guys have not rested in their search for the perfect 'power chord'. 

The D4

Friday 16th  February - Raglan at The Yot Club 

Thursday 22nd February - Auckland at The Kings Arms

Friday 23rd February - Christchurch at Space Academy 

Saturday 24th February - Christchurch at Hagley Park* 

Thursday 1st March - Hamilton at Nivara Lounge 

Friday 2nd March - Helensville at The Kaipara Tavern 

Saturday 3rd March - Auckland at Western Springs*

Thursday 8th - Wellington at San Francisco Bath House  with The DATSUNS 

Friday 9th - Napier at Cabana with The DATSUNS 

Saturday 10th March - Gisborne at Smash Palace 



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