“DON’T KILL LIVE MUSIC” Tomorrows Sydney Rally - Speakers & Appearances Announced


Speakers & Appearances Announced

Don’t Kill Live Music Rally 6pm – 8pm Thursday February 21st Hyde Park Sydney, AUS


Speakers & Appearances Announced

6pm – 8pm Thursday February 21st Hyde Park Sydney, AUS

Dear Music Lovers,

Thank you so much for all of your support, over 111,000 signatures on the Don’t Kill Live Music Petition in one week, you have made it very clear that you refuse to stand by and let the Berejiklian Government take away your access to music and culture in NSW.
We would love to see you all in person at the Don’t Kill Live Music Rally

TIME/ DATE: 6pm – 8pm this Thursday, 21st February 2019

WHERE:  Hyde Park Sydney (the northern end).  

With Appearances by:
Ocean Alley / The Rubens / Cloud Control / Dan Sultan w. Polish Club 
Urthboy & Berti Blackman / Olympia
Rhys Muldoon (MC) & Yumi Stynes (MC), Julien Hamilton (THE PRESETS), Murray Cook (THE WIGGLES), Tim Levinson (ELEPHANT TRAKS), Helen Marcou (SLAM), Adelle Robinson (FUZZY / AUSTRALIAN FESTIVALS ASSOCITION), Michael Chugg (CHUGG ENTERTAINMENT), Dave Faulkner (HOODOO GURUS), Jane Slingo (EMC) Councillor Jess Scully (City of Sydney City), Gordon Bradbury (Wollongong Lord Mayor).

We want our music culture to be safe and inclusive. Onerous and ill-considered regulation will not save lives; and the Australian State Government is decimating our music culture in the process. 
The NSW State Government is vilifying live music with knee-jerk regulation (more details here). Instead of consulting with festival experts, the NSW Government imposed punitive regulation that specifically targets music festivals, and music fans.
We demand that the State Government:

  • To reconsider the proposed music festival license and delay any commencement until after the NSW election due to the following: 

  1. There is too much uncertainty for festival operators as to how the proposed regulatory system would work. Festival operators have not been adequately consulted and the impacts of the proposed changes are not understood by industry or any stakeholders.

  1. The Berejiklian Government continues to show reckless indifference to the economic impacts that the proposed regulations will impose, by rushing the new regulations through in an attempt to have them implemented prior to the commencement of the 'caretaker period', when parliament is dissolved prior to the election.

  1. The current regulatory body is not equipped to regulate music festivals. Their mandate is around liquor and gaming, they have zero understanding of the nuances of music festival operation or knowledge of local area needs, in the way that local councils and venues have.

  • Delay the implementation of the new license date of March 1st of the proposed Music Festival License regulation until further consultation has taken place

  • Delay the implementation of the new licence date of March 1st until a Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) has been completed

  • Form a music regulation roundtable to review all regulation impacting live music

  • Immediately undertake a Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) for any proposed legislation impacting music festivals

  • Develop an industry standard with full transparency for user-pays policing and medical services

  • Work with the music industry to develop robust, effective and achievable safety protocols for festivals

Come to the Don’t Kill Live Music Rally 6pm – 8pm Thursday Feb 21st, Hyde Park , Sydney.
Register here: Don’t Kill Live Music Rally 2019
Official rally T Shirts, to be collected onsite at the rally can be purchased here, please note there is no postage, so only purchase if you intent to attend.

Please Sign the Petition
Sign this petition to demand the Berejiklian government stop killing live music HERE.
Donate to the Go Fund Me
Donate to the Don’t Kill Live Music Go Fund Me page to help cover:
Production costs. Advertising and promotion costs to spread the word and legal and professional fees incurred during the campaign to save live music.
Don’t let the Premier Berejiklian and the Australian State Government take music away from you. You deserve better; NSW deserves better. 
For More Updates Like and Follow:  #dontkilllivemusic
Web: dontkilllivemusic.org

FB: www.facebook.com/Dont-Kill-Live-Music-Australia
Instagram: www.instagram.com/dklmaustralia


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