Theo Parrish announces Auckland show

"Im not comfortable with convenience replacing artistry ..." - Theo Parrish Watch more EB.TV features here:

Detroit heavyweight Theo Parrish will celebrate 20 years of his influential Sound Signature label at Galatos on the 30th September.

Theo Parrish is one of the music world's true visionaries. From his homebase of the Motor City, he has been lighting the way for true music aficionados for decades now. His idiosyncratic and wildly unpredictable DJ sets are God tier. His thrilling productions have inspired generations of musicians, both solo, and as part of Three Chairs alongside Moodymann, Rick Wilhite, and Marcellus Pittman. And his passion for new musicians is evidenced through over seventy releases on his Sound Signature label, which has just entered its 20th year. He’s also just kicked off his own WOKE Radio, which sees him provide a 24/7 soundtrack reminiscent of his relentless DJ sets. This is a landmark year for a landmark figure in the music scene, down in Galatos for one night only.  

"Im not comfortable with convenience replacing artistry ..."

“Love of the music should be the driving force of any producer, performer or DJ. Everything else stems from that core, that love. With that love, sampling can become a tribute; An expansion on ideas long forgotten, reconstruction, collage. Using the same understanding openly and respectfully can turn DJing into a spiritual participation. It can turn a few hours of selection into essential history; Necessary listening through movement.”

Theo Parrish

Sunday 30th September: Galatos, Auckland

Tickets via at 9am on Monday 23rd July.  


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