Support acts revealed for Shonen Knife NZ tour

In less than two weeks Osaka rockers Shonen Knife will be touching down in NZ to play three shows in Hamilton, Auckland, and Wellington. 

Cue drum roll please .... the local openers for these shows will be 

Hamilton  - 5 Girls "...transgenre ..."

Auckland - The Dirty Sweets  "... about as close to the Munsters playing at an Acca Dacca convention as you’re gonna get..."

Wellington -  Hex  "raw, unapologetic encompassing a mixture of folk, punk, metal and prog rock" 

Shonen Knife

Wednesday October 4th: Nirvara Lounge, Hamilton (with 5 Girls)

Thursday October 5th: Whammy, Auckland (with The Dirty Sweets)

Friday October 6th: Meow, Wellington (with Hex)

Tickets via Under The Radar


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