Shonen Knife announce NZ shows

Shonen Knife are heading to New Zealand where they'll play three shows; one each in HamiltonAuckland and Wellington this October.

A Shonen Knife 101 in 9 easy lessons

*Shonen Knife refers to old Japanese pencil sharpner and literally means Boy Knife in Japanese

*The all female Japanese trio Shonen Knife formed in Osaka in 1981.

*Shonen Knife was formed by sisters Naoko on guitar and Atsuko on Drums who both still play in the band today

*Shonen Knife... ROCK! 

*Shonen Knife are heavily influenced by sixties pop and girl groups, infused with their love of The Ramones 

*Shonen Knife songs are stripped down, catchy, and sung in both Japanese and English

*SHONEN KNIFE can count on Nirvana, Sonic Youth, and Redd Kross to shout out "Shonen Knife ... ICHIBAN!" 

*Shonen Knife love to eat and sing about their favourite food Wasabi! Hot Chocolate! Sushi Bar and their favourite Ramen Rock."

Shonen Knife

Wednesday October 4th: Nirvara Lounge, Hamilton (with 5 Girls)

Thursday October 5th: Whammy, Auckland (with The Dirty Sweets)

Friday October 6th: Meow, Wellington (with Hex)

Tickets via Under The Radar


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Both Auckland alt-J shows sold out