Renowned New Zealand performer Alison Bruce to be part of WOW’s 2017 Awards Show

As New Zealand’s largest annual theatrical production, the World of WearableArt (WOW®) Awards Show continually exceeds expectations, thrilling audiences with its spectacle of boundless creativity. Each year, WOW attracts some of New Zealand’s top creatives and performers to make magic on stage. In 2017, Award-winning actor Alison Bruce has accepted the challenge to tackle a unique onstage role, performing a central character, Lucy, who leads the audience through a fantastical night of entertainment and wonder.

Bruce is acclaimed for her performances with Red Leap Theatre, including their multi award-winning The Arrival, and her screen roles in much-loved television series Top of the Lake, Being Eve and The Almighty Johnsons. This is the first time she has performed with WOW.

WOW 2017 Creative Director Kip Chapman has previously worked with Bruce on several theatre productions.

“Alison is undoubtedly one of the finest New Zealand performers of her generation,” says Chapman. “The theatrical magnitude of WOW needs someone with immense stage presence and physicality, which Alison has in spades. She will be the perfect central character for this year’s WOW show.”

Bruce is excited about the challenge of performing in WOW, which promises spectacular scene changes as the story unfolds and moves between each of the various sections of the competition categories.

“There will be fire and light, massive dance scenes, and many surprises throughout the show,” Bruce says. “I’ve never done anything on this scale or with such complex technicalities before. I love the spirit of working with the WOW creative team, and I know the show this year is going to be bigger than big. I can’t wait.”

Bruce will be working alongside some of New Zealand’s most respected artists, designers, technical experts and theatre practitioners – a massive team of around 350 people are needed to bring the show to life. As well as Kip Chapman, the creative team includes Choreographers Victoria Colombus and Ross McCormack, and Music Director Don McGlashan.

Meanwhile, at its Nelson headquarters, WOW is currently receiving 100s of wearable art garments by designers from 44 countries into this year’s competition. Finalists to be presented on stage at the Awards Show will be announced in July. WOW also recently announced an extra show this season, bringing the anticipated audience to around 60,000.

Key dates:

7-9 July – 1st Round Judging (National WOW Museum, Nelson)

17 July – Designers announced

21 September – Opening Night

22 September – Awards Night

8 October – Closing Night


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